Visiting Tatvan and Van

15 juin,

As I had a sore foot that was worrying me a bit, I decided to take a break and go to Tatvan hospital. I was pleasantly surprised by the welcome I received once I’d got over the language-related problems. On the face of it, it wasn’t anything serious, but I was given some antibiotics and told to go and get them from the pharmacy. When I asked what I had to pay, nothing - in Turkey, medicine is free ! OK...
So I’ve still got plenty of time to visit Tatvan, a cute, quiet little tourist town.

I asked about taking the bus and apparently I could take it directly on the road through Tatvan. I was told to go to an agency, but there I couldn’t get any information... So I decided to buy my ticket online and get there early the next day. The next day, by chance, I came across another agency not far away, which indicated "Van" as the destination. They confirmed that yes, the bus does go there. It’s very busy : there’s the market (as there was the day before), parked cars, buses or cars double-parked, and when a bus takes on passengers it blocks the last available lane, and immediately the horns are honking behind it.
The first bus, which was very late, didn’t take me and I couldn’t understand what was being explained to me (except that everything was fine and I had to wait). Finally a new bus arrives and the driver kindly puts my bike in the hold and I can get on the bus. Phew !
The route is quite pleasant and I regret not having done it by bike.

When I got to Van, it was really crowded. I go for a bite to eat and they serve me dishes that are too big for me. In the afternoon I go out for another walk and there are even more people in the streets. It’s hard to get around.

The next day, Sunday, everything seemed deserted and calm. I went to visit the castle. Contrary to what I’d read in a blog (but you never know when articles are written) there’s a charge for the visit and they’ve redesigned the entrances and renovated some parts.
In the afternoon I went to the nearby "lake of coins".

In the evening, the centre of Van fills up with young people who come to eat, go for a walk, go shopping... The clothing is overwhelmingly western.

Tomorrow I’m back on the road. I’ll try to see if a hotel has disappeared completely in Muradiye, otherwise I’ll camp a bit further on...


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