From Veysel Karali to Tatvan

13 juin, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 84
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

An earlier start this morning, at 8am. Today’s stage is quite uphill, as I’m starting from 670m and the highest point will be at 1790.
But the enemy of the day will be the wind. It’s blowing quite hard head-on, the effect no doubt being reinforced by the rush of wind through the valley.
I’m making slow progress, taking lots of breaks. I didn’t have my coffee this morning so I made myself one. When I want a second one after the snack, my gas bottle will have given up the ghost...
The track takes me past the Bitlis town centre. I modify the route to go through it and I’m quite happy because there are some pretty bridges and monuments. I also avoid a section of Nationale.
Finally, I reach the highest point of the route and drive a little faster. I arrive in Tatvan a bit late and of course the address didn’t work. On the other hand, I could have tried to put the name of the hotel directly, which would have worked today.
Still, I don’t have much time left to visit...
Tomorrow I’ll be stopping off halfway to Van...


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