From Van to Muradiye

17 juin, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 83
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

The threatening clouds of the previous day have disappeared, so I set off quite early.
The road was fine, quite pleasant. The mountain you see on the side I suppose is Mount Süphan, which rises to 4035m (on the English version of Wikipedia it’s given as 4058m). It’s quite beautiful and so is Lake Van with its turquoise reflections.
I planned to stop in Muradiye to see if there was a hotel, otherwise I’d continue a few kilometres further to camp.
In fact, the hotel I’d spotted seems to be closed, but I ask around and find another one. Simple but brand new and clean and the cheapest I’ve paid so far (600 TL without breakfast).

Tomorrow Dogubayazit.


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