Telavi to Mukhrovani

10 juillet, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 58
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

Tevali is a very pleasant, quiet little town. What strikes me in comparison with all the towns I’ve visited in Georgia is that there are no abandoned houses falling into ruin. It’s even the first time I’ve seen wooden first floors with wide terraces in good condition.
The town has gone to great lengths to show off its houses, and on several of them there are plaques explaining that it’s a house from the first half of the 19th century, or from the second half...
A small concert of traditional music, with a capella pieces reminiscent of Corsican or Basque polyphony.
A leisurely start this morning. The climb up to the Gombors Ugheltekhili pass at 1625m is almost 1000m long but very steady. The road has just been resurfaced and is very wide and pleasant to drive on.

I’m lucky because at the top of the pass the descent is under construction and you go from gravel surfaces to surfaces where the old tarmac has been removed cleanly. But it’s impossible to let go on the descent.
I reach Mukhrovani fairly quickly, which is of no interest other than to avoid having to drive too long to Tbilisi.
The villa I’ve rented is not of the highest standard... There was a power cut that my hosts couldn’t do anything about, but they connected me to an internet box that had a high-capacity battery backup, and there were power strips everywhere. Shortly after the power came back on, they called me to ask me to put the plugs back in the right place. I unplug the water heater but don’t want to look for where it should be plugged in... too bad no hot shower tomorrow morning.

Demain de nouveau Tbilissi d’où je partirai lundi matin très tôt.


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