From Mukhrovani to Tbilissi, and the End !

11 juillet, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 39
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

Last stop before catching the plane home. Not many kilometres, mainly downhill, but a bit difficult with the traffic when we arrived in Tbilisi.
I stayed in the same hotel as on my previous trip because it was not bad, very central and not too expensive. I arrived early and had to wait for the room to be ready. I take the opportunity to call the guy who has the boxes for the bikes and he gives me an appointment for 8pm. I think that’s a bit late, especially as it’s about ten kilometres away at the other end of Tbilisi, but it’s a good opportunity to get a box. Go.
I arrive early at the warehouse where I have an appointment. I see a bunch of bikes, so it’s definitely there, but it’s closed. Just before 8pm I call the guy who doesn’t answer... I’m starting to worry. Then I get a message saying he’s on his way. 10 minutes later a young woman arrived and asked me : "Are you here to pick up a box too ? As Salomé is Swiss, we quickly switched to French and waited together, which was much nicer.
Eventually the guy arrives and we get our boxes back. He’ll take mine to the hotel and I won’t pay much more than if I’d taken a taxi.
The next day, after collecting the box, I meet up with Salomé in a pretty cool, trendy place that I wouldn’t have discovered otherwise. La Fabrika, an old factory converted into a youth hostel, coworking space, restaurants, shops and various community centres... Then I take advantage of being in the area to go and see a bazaar, but I don’t hang around.
Saturday is the day to get the bike in the box. First I have to go and find some packing tape... All I can find is some transparent tape, which will have to do. After removing the front rack, wheels, pedals and turning the handlebars, phew, the bike fits right into the box ! End of stress 🙂

Tomorrow’s going to be a long day, so I’ll return the room in the morning, leave my stuff at the hotel, then take a taxi in the evening to the airport, as the flight is super early in the morning...

That’s the end of the trip... maybe a little review in a few days.


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