From Sighnaghi to Telavi

8 juillet, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 63
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

I set off early this morning, having had little sleep because I followed the election evening for as long as possible before closing the PC : it was late, there’s a two-hour time difference here with France... But I’m riding with a more relaxed mind, and it’s a great relief that the Nazis didn’t get a majority.

A long descent from Sighnaghi, the weather is still stormy and the Caucasus mountains are not clearly visible.
Surprisingly, there is only a trickle of water in the rivers, whereas two days earlier the irrigation pipes were overflowing.

After following a vineyard road for a while, I arrive in Tevali. It’s a bigger town but also seems more interesting than Sighnaghi : lots of monuments in good condition and well displayed (apart from the cars that park anywhere, which spoils things).

Tomorrow, if I’ve got it right with my landlady (she spent ten years in Italy, so I’m using my rudimentary Italian to communicate), I’ll be visiting a vineyard. We’re in the wine capital of Georgia here !


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