Saintes Marie de la Mer - Marseille

4 mai 2023, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 103
Kilomètres depuis le début : 1802

At the departure of Saintes Marie de la Mer, passage by the national reserve of Camargue. You have to stay on the dam and not venture into the protected areas. A lot of birds of all kinds, often difficult to take pictures of. Beautiful grey herons, pink flamingos that for once I managed to take a picture of with their pink wings. The path is pleasant but with several very sandy passages which oblige to push the bike. Fortunately, these passages are not very numerous. The wind is not very strong but often disturbing on the uneven track.
Then we arrive on a beautiful road shared by bike and car. The animals are often far from the road. Arrival at the ferry of Barcarin just before the departure for the crossing of the main branch of the Rhone. Very fast crossing and then we change very quickly of universe to enter the industrial zone of the port of Marseille and Fos sur Mer. These will be 25km quite painful with often the wind in front and on the side a continuous stream of trucks. By arriving at Marseille I met other cyclists who succeeded in avoiding this painful road by taking a channel bordered of wind mills then by making hooks by small roads, they had spent a good hour to define their route.

Arrived at Port de Bouc the trip becomes more pleasant and I take again taste for the ride. I take a lunch break in Martigues.
The last kilometers are without concern. When I arrived at l’Estaque, I didn’t recognize the setting of Guédiguian’s films, except that the district was very popular, like all the districts I crossed while zigging between the works.
Two days of break before going back to Toulon.

  • Départ des Saintes Marie de la Mer
  • Départ des Saintes Marie de la Mer
  • Héron cendré
  • Réserve nationale de Camargue
  • Flamants roses
  • Sur le chemin...
  • Flamants rose
  • Flamants roses
  • Flamants roses
  • Flamants roses
  • Flamants roses
  • Flamants roses
  • Phare dans la réserve
  • Réserve Nationale de Camargue
  • Route partagée
  • Réserve Nationale de Camargue
  • Bac du Barcarin
  • Bac du Barcarin
  • Martigues

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