Pavia - Bozzole

6 août 2019, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 60
Kilomètres depuis le début : 6009

I landed in Bozzole, a very small village, because there was cheap accommodation. Just behind the Po dikes, this village seems quiet and quite rich.

From Pavia very nice covered bridge that I hadn’t seen yet ! With the statue of a laundress a little further away in backlight.

Then the path alternates between the rice fields and the corn that often replaces it.

  • Départ de Pavia
  • Départ de Pavia
  • Départ de Pavia
  • rizière
  • Pieve del Cairo
  • Le riz parfois remplacé par le maïs
  • Le Pô
  • Pour finir, sur la digue chemin caillouteux
  • Chateau, Pomaro Monferrato
  • Arrivée
  • Bozzole
  • Bozzole
  • Bozzole
  • Bozzole

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