Cremona - Pavia

5 août 2019, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 94
Kilomètres depuis le début : 6009

Very early departure from the campsite.... In fact, after I stopped for breakfast on the way not so early !

The road is quite pleasant with sometimes real bike paths. But also some stony roads. I take the first one but when I get to the second one I turn around and prefer to make a hook. The 90 km seems longer on these kinds of roads !

I eat for 10€ all included in a small restaurant. First Piatto, some pretty stuffy pasta, second piatto something more tasty and I thought there was a dessert and from memory I asked for the "mixed salad" (I had seen something similar in some restaurants and it was fruit salad) and they brought me tomato salad and lettuce !! But still included in the price is a quarter of retsina white wine, a bottle of water and coffee !

Arrived at the campsite in Pavia there are people at the reception ! And a swimming pool... good rather a big tub for children and teenagers ^^^

  • Stradivarius, Cremona
  • Cremona
  • Cremona
  • Cremona
  • Cremona
  • Cremona
  • Cremona
  • A Picinengo, une belle piste cyclable
  • Picinengo
  • Picinengo
  • Pizzighettone
  • J’ai pris ce chemin caillouteux
  • Mais pas celui-là
  • Borghetto Lodigiano
  • Encore une belle piste cyclable
  • Chemin agréable au milieu des rizières
  • Pavia
  • Pavia
  • Pavia
  • Pavia
  • Pavia
  • Pavia
  • Pavia
  • Pavia
  • Pavia

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