Neum - Makarska

28 juillet 2019, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 90
Kilomètres depuis le début : 6009

Departure before 8am from Neum. No coffee at the hotel, I take it in the first coffee on the way out, but so I saved a little time...

The wind is from the Southeast so it’s favourable most of the time. Depending on the curves I sometimes have it too much on the side or in front. But most of the time it pushes me ! That’s probably why I’m doing the 90 km and the different slopes without too many difficulties.

From Drvenik I often drive in the rain, it becomes less pleasant. Put on the kway, remove it, put it back on... Rain and sun at the same time and no rainbow ! Pay it back !

Arrival in Makarska : very beautiful city. I think I finally saw a fisherman’s boat there, but no it’s an old fisherman’s boat now used for tourist excursions :)
Yet we easily eat fish, there should be fishermen’s boats somewhere !

  • Départ de Neum
  • Boutiques sur la route
  • Komin
  • Lacs après Ploce
  • Lacs après Ploce
  • Lacs après Ploce
  • Lacs après Ploce
  • Lacs après Ploce
  • Podgora
  • Makarska
  • Makarska
  • Makarska
  • Makarska
  • Makarska
  • Makarska

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