Makarska - Split

30 juillet 2019, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 71
Kilomètres depuis le début : 6009

Last stop in Croatia, on the way to Split where I will take the ferry to Ancona.

The road is hilly but in a very bearable way. I make the detour to Baska Voda and Brela but these cities are cute without any more, no real character....

Arriving at the top of the first slope, before going down towards the Cetina river a very strong headwind worries me a little. But the wind dies down as soon as you go down into the valley. Below we walk along the river without seeing it, but we see the many rafting canoes. Moreover, the road is sometimes dangerous when you are overtaken by trucks with their canoe trailers that float a little.

Arrival in Split is a little ungrateful as it often is in the cities : you enter by a four-lane road that climbs for several kilometres. But after a tortuous journey I arrive at my apartment.

When I leave in a few meters I find myself on the main pedestrian street of Split which leads to the port. Going down this street you have the impression that you are going directly into the sea.

  • Makarska
  • Baska Voda
  • Baska Voda
  • Baska Voda
  • Brela
  • Brela
  • Le long de la côte
  • La rivière Cetina
  • La rivière Cetina
  • La rivière Cetina à Omis
  • La rivière Cetina à Omis
  • Le long de la côte
  • Le long de la côte
  • Le long de la côte
  • Le long de la côte
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split
  • Split

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