From Surami to Gori

30 juin, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 58
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

A very pretty road to Gori.
It would have been perfect if it hadn’t been for the 50 km/h headwind, which is a bit tiring. I avenge myself by picking mirabelle plums and even a few apricots along the way.

Gori, the birthplace of Joseph Stalin, and a visit to the museum dedicated to him is a must. But frankly, it’s an ugly museum ! Many of the photos have no captions in English, so you can’t always guess what they’re about. And although I’d been warned that it was an apologist for the Little Father of the Peoples, there’s nothing about purges, nothing about mass deportations, nothing about massacres... In 2024, it’s uncomfortable. And even the photos of the leaders before Lenin’s death and Stalin’s accession to power represent the official hagiography of the 1930s, in which the eliminated leaders (Trotsky, among others) have disappeared and Stalin is portrayed as Lenin’s right-hand man... even though he was a rather insignificant leader, a bit of a bully and probably not as good as the others. Well, that’s that.

The rest of the city, pretentious monuments from the Soviet period, wide avenues but also a large pleasant park.


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