From Gori to Tbilissi

1er juillet, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 93
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

The weather forecast predicted stronger winds than yesterday. Stronger towards Gori than towards Tbilisi. I set off early, determined to make up some distance before the winds strengthened. It works quite well. Between ten and eleven the winds are a bit unpleasant, but sheltered by a few small hills, they pass. Then I stopped paying attention to the wind, a sign that there shouldn’t be any !

On the way this time I stop under a mulberry tree and pick the blackberries available. Shortly before Tbilisi, I have a coffee in a small shop and the young man is full of questions, accompanied by his father : where am I from, where am I going, have I been to such and such a place, do I have to go there ? The youngster finds it hard to believe that I’m 66 years old. Thank you, that’s always a pleasure 🙂 They give me apricots from home, 100% natural ! These two apricots are big, sweet and juicy : I’m really enjoying them. Just as I’m leaving, a bike with panniers appears. I wave to the guy, he stops, he’s French. He’s cycling back to France ! We chatted for a while, then I set off again.

As I’d had a good ride, I arrived in Tbilisi early enough to stop off at the French embassy and get my power of attorney validated. I missed the first round but at least my vote will count for the second. It’s another ten kilometres or so and a good climb up a hill where several embassies are located.
Mission accomplished.

Once we arrived at the hotel, the storm broke. Once it had passed I went out for a while. Finally I go and sip a beer on the hotel terrace. I remove a damp cushion from an armchair and sit down. By the time I’ve finished my beer it’s raining a few drops. I go downstairs. As I’m updating the blog, a torrential downpour. I’ve been lucky today, I’ve stayed dry !

Two days in Tbilisi


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