From Tbilissi to Udabno

4 juillet, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 67
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

Two days in Tbilisi before heading east again. Udabno, very close to the David Garedja Monastery, which I’ll be visiting tomorrow.
Tbilisi : laundry, sightseeing and a fruitless search for a box to put my bike on the plane.
On Tuesday, the Place de la Liberté is packed to the rafters to welcome the football team, which has had a great run in the Eurofoot.

The road to Udabno is quiet until the section that runs along the Azerbaijani border, where it becomes gravel, not always rolling, for about ten kilometres. It’s an uphill section too, and it’s not a good idea to leave the road as there’s a sign warning that this is a shooting zone... A little further on, a Georgian sign warns that we’re in a border zone and that you need a special permit to cross... A permit that I don’t have... and won’t need in the end.
It’s very hot and I’m afraid of running out of water, but soon we reach a better road.

After the usual gag to find the guesthouse, I can get some rest.

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