From Ormana to Beyşehir

30 mai, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 95
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

I have breakfast at the hotel. I tell myself it’s a long way to go, but it’ll pass. Just as I’m about to set off, the hotel manager comes to chat with me and give me some advice about the rest of the route.

There’s only one real climb at 1330m, even though we’re already at nearly 1000 m. On these national roads with a good surface and fairly smooth slopes, it’s all smooth sailing.
I arrive in Derbucak at around 1pm and I’m halfway there. I go for lunch in one of those little restaurants where the cook presents his dishes and you choose. It’s good, hearty and cheap... although I have the impression that I’m being charged the tourist price, but 200TL I’ll survive 😉
As I approached Beyşehir, a thunderstorm approached and it rained for half an hour. With no shelter available I carry on and it eventually calms down.

Where I have an appointment with my warmshowers host is the Beyşehir Tourist and Cultural Office. I’m entitled to a night in the hotel on condition that I take a photo with the local cycling jersey. And the jersey is mine : great, that’ll make me a second cycling jersey !

I meet some French people, in fact two families cycling with their children. They’d left for several months like the ones I’d met before Antalya. They’re going to split up, with one family going to Crete and the other to Greece.

Tomorrow is another good stage on the way to Konya.


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