Antalya to Ormana (Ibradi)

29 mai, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 113
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

I set off at about seven o’clock this morning after searching in vain for my bike computer. After looking for a while I finally remembered exactly where I put it before... I left it in the previous room. Then of course I didn’t need it, so I forgot about it. In the meantime, the house has been tidied up, the drawer emptied and... maybe the counter will come out again, but after I’ve left 🙁
The stage is quite long and a bit hilly. I swallow the first sixty kilometres quickly, then it starts to climb, slowly but surely.
When I reached a very long tunnel, I saw that bikes and oversized lorries were invited to take the service road. Well, it’s no laughing matter either, driving 5km through a tunnel without knowing whether the lorry coming up behind you has seen you...
But that adds five kilometres and 400m of positive ascent. Also, although I wasn’t supposed to exceed 1080m, my GPS showed 1225. What worries me is that my water supply is running low and I’m not going to find any on this service road.
Having rejoined the main road I see a village, I make the detour and find a grocery shop where I can buy a litre and a half of water and I take the opportunity to have a lemon fizzy drink, very pleasant.
Finally, a little tired, I arrive in the very pretty little village of Ormana (next to Ibradi). Quite a few Ottoman houses ; in fact, it’s in one of them that I’ll be spending the night.
Tomorrow will be another good stage, but with less ascent.


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