From Muğla to Daylan

21 mai, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 70
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

Last night Aydin gave me a taste of Baklava, which is excellent with a scoop of melon ice cream !
This morning I’m off late after breakfast. I’m convinced that I’ll be going downhill most of the time. I stop to adjust my brakes, they need to be strong on the descent.

But it’s not all downhill... we start with a reasonably steep climb back to the altitude we were at the day before. Then the small road with its ups and downs. And so it goes until the end.

At the end I can’t go any further, it took me an hour to do the last 10 kilometres. I’m like the tarmac on this road... melted !

I arrive at the hotel just before 4pm, and negotiate a packed lunch because I’ll be leaving before breakfast. I’ll try to leave at 6am - 6.30am to avoid the heat.

Tomorrow Fethiye


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