From Milas to Muğla

20 mai, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 65
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

The first real climb of the trip, at 740m. The gradients are regularly between 6 and 8%. A sign indicates 10%, but that doesn’t faze my computer, which so fleetingly displays a 10% mark that I almost didn’t see it.
Even so, I don’t climb easily. Perhaps it’s the after-effects of yesterday’s long day. Finally at 11.30am, after three hours on the road, I reach the top and I’ve only done a third of the route... Things got better after that. My route takes me off the main road to avoid Yatagan. No regrets, it looks pretty ugly.
Eventually I came across a small village that looked quite touristy from the shops and I stopped for a bite to eat.

Some young girls offer to buy me a painting, it’s not expensive 250 Ltr but I don’t really see myself with a painting on my bike ^^.

I get back on the road, I’m not very far... But I’m having trouble with the heat. Fortunately there’s a bit of wind. And there’s a second climb that’s a bit less steep and a lot smoother. Today I’ll have drunk nearly three litres of water on the way !

I arrive at the bike shop run by Aydin, my warmshowers host. Here I meet Guy, a Frenchman who has lived in Turkey for thirty years. He gives me a few tips on the places to see on my route and I change my destination for tomorrow from Marmaris to Dalyan.


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