From Selçuk to Milas

19 mai, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 120
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

I’d decided on a slightly long stage (with a few small gradients) because my initial plan to stop at Lac Bafa didn’t seem very interesting in the end : the only hotel is on the other side of the lake, and that would add around twenty kilometres, which I’d have to do again the next day... So I pushed a little further. Lac Bafa was 101 km, Milas 121... That’s pretty close, isn’t it ?
But I hadn’t taken the heat into account ; the weather really changed this weekend and the temperatures got higher. It even reached 35°C, a temperature we’re not likely to see again this week.
So it’s not surprising that I suffered a bit, especially on the first climb, which is 280m but has some nice gradients of 10 and 11%.
On the way I drank about 4 litres of water (and two Cai).
I stopped for a bite to eat about halfway up, glad to have a bit of shade for a break. An original dish of chips and sweet chilli covered in yoghurt.
I was lucky for the last climb on the road, I had a bit of shade on my side, and at the end there was a tunnel that wasn’t on my map...

Tomorrow Mugla


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