From Dalyan to Fethiye

22 mai, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 70
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

Leaving at 6.30 in the morning, it’s much better ! And what’s more, today it’s a bit cooler.
It was supposed to be a fairly short trip (61km) but... I’d forgotten to record the route with the precise address of the hotel, so I made a return trip of several kilometres from the centre of Fethiye.

The road was a bit hilly with five high points. The first wasn’t very high but had some nice climbs, the second at 230m on my route... but that’s if you take a tunnel with a toll : I don’t know if I’m allowed to take it, it looks like a motorway all the same... So I don’t even ask, I just set off on a climb over a pass, my first "official" pass in Turkey ! Then three more climbs, all of which are gentle.

I reach the bay of Fethiye and the mountains are even foggier than usual. Too bad for the view and the photos...

Tomorrow I get up early again and set off for Kaş, a slightly longer stage...


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