From Fethiye to Kaş

23 mai, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 97
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

Departure at 6.30 am again... This time having already nibbled on the snack prepared by the hotel.
At the start I avoid the main road and take the small road with a high point at 430m. The highest point ? It’s strange, but a little later I’m still climbing and I think my GPS shows 484... Well, it’s fairly easy, the road is good and the gradient (around 10%) is steady.
Temperatures : it’s 19°C when I set off, 26°C at 8am and over 30°C after 10am. There’s a lot of movement, but it won’t exceed 40°C, unlike previous days.
As I crossed the main road, I wasn’t too confident in the state of the roads and in my ability, over the day’s rather long distance, to cope with the leg-breaking climbs and descents. So I stayed on the main road, hoping for a more regular route.
Surprisingly, when I reach the plain, the town ahead is nothing but a huge expanse of greenhouses...
The wind : I soon had a headwind and I did about thirty kilometres with a side wind at best. Then, towards the end, it’s a happy ending : the wind follows the coast and pushes me towards my destination. This makes the climbs easier...
From time to time, in the hollow bends, the wind rushes against the wall and comes back from the front, but it doesn’t last long and the favourable wind returns.
The sea is a blue that I haven’t seen very often : a very deep blue.

With these good conditions I arrive at the hotel at 4pm.
A day of rest and a walk in Kaş before setting off again.


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