From Magnetiti to Koutaïssi

27 juin, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 95
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

Monday evening I was tired and went for a bite to eat anyway. I didn’t really enjoy it, it was greasy and ... I couldn’t digest it. So I spent another - pathetic - day in Magnetiti.
I cancelled my planned stage that day and instead of going to Koutaissi in two stages, I went in one. A bit long, but flat and I was hoping to be pushed by the wind, which turned out not to be the case. I’d also been promised rain, which I didn’t get, so that’s fine !
A bit of gravel as I left Magnetiti and a funny ford crossing. As an alternative, there’s a little wooden bridge that you wonder if it will hold. But it holds.
The road is flat and runs smoothly. I arrived around 3pm and after the usual gag of trying to find the exact address of the hotel I was able to settle in.
Not much time to rest if I want to do a bit of sightseeing.
It’s a cute little town with quite a few monuments left over from Stalinism.


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