From Batoumi to Magnetiti

25 juin, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 50
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

It’s a short stop today, but I’m hoping the weather will be good enough for a swim in the Black Sea before heading back inland to Tbilisi.
I’m leaving late because the screen on my PC is starting to give up the ghost and I go to a couple of shops to see if I can find a small auxiliary screen. The first one is the smallest, a 22-inch, the second one is a 14-inch but it’s the latest 4K, relatively expensive but I’m also afraid it’s fragile and won’t withstand the vibrations of the bike...
We’ll see... if the screen fails completely, I’ll still have my phone, but it’ll be a bit more complicated to transfer photos from my camera...
This PC is now 5 and a half years old and has travelled 15,000 km by bike and thousands of km in town to go from one meeting or chess tournament to another... He served well. I could have done with a year more, though.

A sort of drizzle on the road that gets heavier as we get closer to Magnetiti, a small seaside town.
But in the end it’s a good thing, because in the afternoon it’s dry and almost sunny, so I can go for a swim.
The sand here is black, quite fine and pleasant, but it sticks to the skin quite a bit.
That was my last swim in the Black Sea.


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