From Fındıklı to Batumi

23 juin, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 66
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

Crossing into Georgia. It’s a relatively short road, then it’s time to cross the border, which I manage to do relatively quickly until the last checkpoint for entry into Georgia, when I have to go through a sort of terminal. I made my way to a queue where there were fewer people, and before I got through I was told that with my bike I shouldn’t be there, but on the opposite side...
As I’d often seen in Turkey, the guy confuses my middle name with my surname... I gave him my real name but I wasn’t sure he understood, so I passed.

We arrived in Batumi, a city of exuberant skyscrapers... and it’s still building. By the way, if you’ve got three quid to spend, the one just behind the Hilton is for sale ^^.

And my first swim in the Black Sea !


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