From Koutaïssi to Ubisa

28 juin, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 71
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

A beautiful cycle path from Koutaissi, running alongside the university.
The route was a bit tricky to define : as soon as there’s a motorway komoot sends you far away, even if sometimes the old national road winds around the motorway. This morning I forced my way through a new motorway tunnel, still marked on the maps as "future construction" : it’s by far the most comfortable tunnel for bikes I’ve been through so far, with wide, well-lit lanes...
Having said that, the country road I took this morning was very pleasant, a wide, smooth cement road, hardly any cars, pretty Georgian countryside, animals...
So tomorrow I’m going to improvise and see if I can follow the road. My stage tomorrow by car, 36km, following a cycle route, 62km. If that almost doubles the distance to Tbilisi, I could get there quicker if the semi-motorway routes are accessible. We’ll see.


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