Silivri - Tekirdag

8 mai, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 68
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

I leave my host’s house a little early, as he is still asleep. I’m still following a very wide dual carriageway.
At one point my route suggests an alternative, so I follow it. You have to be prepared for a change of scenery, it climbs to 6% at the start, then climbs to 9 and I stalled when my computer showed 12% ! After that, for a while, the route was in peaceful surroundings. But there’s nothing very bucolic about it : the landscape is eaten up by factories, you cross streams of stagnant water...
Phew, I make a little detour to a seaside resort. I have a Turkish coffee. When I have to pay, the waitress tells me the price in Euros (€2 all the same) ! I asked her in Turkish lira and she seemed to be making an effort. I thought it was a tourist scam but no, they seem to do their prices in euros, and at the hotel the guy had to convert to give me the price in Ltr.

I arrive in Tekirdag at around 2pm, then head for my hotel, which is a bit out of the way (actually at the start of another small town).
Tomorrow I head for Sarkoy, where my second warmshowers host of the trip is waiting for me.


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