Sant’Antioco - Pula

25 mai 2023, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 75
Kilomètres depuis le début : 1802

Today I wanted to get to the campsite in Pula.
I set off along the same pretty cycle path as the day before, then some fairly busy roads before turning off onto a surprisingly wide cycle path (in fact a shared lane leading to a tourist port). Then a very pretty, fairly quiet road that follows the coastline.
Near the campsite, I follow the signs and I have the feeling that I’ve made a diversion. So a few extra kilometres.
I set up the tent and took my first bath in Sardinia. It’s warm, not too windy and the swell doesn’t stir up too much kelp here.
Then I went for a shower and realised I’d forgotten to take the tokens for the hot water ! The last time I saw a system like that was about forty years ago in the Cévennes...

  • Leaving Sant’Antioco
  • Une belle piste cyclable
  • Porto Budello
  • Porto Budello
  • Paysage
  • Une des nombreuses tours le long de la côte
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Caché dans le marais
  • Premier bain en Sardaigne

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