Rasova - Seimeni

18 juin 2019, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 25

A very small trip today.... But it wasn’t until I went to Rasova that I realized that I probably had to do less and take the car ride. I don’t know why the "bike" option on graphhopper.com/maps causes this hook : 25 km by car, 65 by bike !

I easily pass under the highway, cross Cernavoda and arrive in the late morning at Seimeni’s hotel.
There a lady greets me and tells me that I arrive like this with my bike but that the hotel is full.... "I made a reservation madam," she calls, I only have one room left.
Except that I had rented a room with a "view of the lake" and I ended up with a room without a view, on the passage of people who arrive... and for the same price !

I had asked myself the question of spending two days here.... Well, fortunately not.

  • Danube
  • Une péniche sur le Danube
  • Rasova
  • Danube, Rasova
  • Danube, Rasova
  • Yes !
  • Danube, en quittant Rasova
  • Danube, en quittant Rasova
  • Danube, en quittant Rasova
  • On passe bien sous l’auto-route… c’était l’obstacle pour les vélos ?
  • Pont de Cernavoda
  • Danube, Cernavoda
  • Danube, Cernavoda
  • Cernavoda, rue bien en pente, plus pavés...
  • Cigogne contemplant le Danube en crue

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