Porto - Aveiro

24 mai 2022, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 78
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3429

Early start from Porto, this will be the steepest part of the ride. There is a lot of cobblestone everywhere, quite unpleasant to ride on. But there are also some nice cycle tracks along the coast or a bit further inland.
To get to Aveiro I hesitated to ride along the coast all the time and take a ferry to cross and get to Aveiro. In the end I went around following the main road... but it’s quite unpleasant and I regret the different light that this crossing could have brought. Maybe next time.
Aveiro is a small and very touristic city where I hear a lot of French spoken... but less so when doing some shopping at the supermarket ^^

  • Porto
  • Porto
  • Porto
  • Passage piéton !
  • Porto
  • Une piste cycles, une piétons
  • Porto
  • La plage se prépare pour l’été
  • Ovar
  • Ovar
  • Ovar
  • Ovar
  • Aveiro
  • Aveiro
  • Aveiro
  • Aveiro
  • Aveiro
  • Aveiro
  • Aveiro

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