Aveiro - Figueira da Foz

25 mai 2022, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 79
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3429

A very pleasant day, started quite early.
There are safe, if not pretty, cycle paths, but the roundabouts to access them are not at all obvious. Besides, I would never have taken the cycle path along the motorway if it hadn’t been indicated on my route. No indication at the entrance : I entered the lane ready to turn around...
Then I leave the cycle tracks and the roads to go closer to the Ria de Aveiro, and well done, it’s a path in quite good condition, not much used and with a nice view on the Ria at low tide. Then I join the road and it is less interesting a straight road for about fifteen kilometres.
I stop in Tocha for a coffee. Quite intriguing this white church, very small in the middle of this huge square.
When I get to Figueira, my way is cut off ! The road is under construction. Fortunately it’s lunchtime and the workmen are not there. And fortunately there is no big hole that forces me to turn back : the road is almost finished.
I arrive early, at 1:30 pm : what leaves me time to make an essential washing and a very pleasant nap ^^

  • L’heure du petit déjeuner pour les flamands roses
  • ... et pour la cigogne
  • Une piste cyclable pas très glamour
  • Ria de Avero
  • Ria de Avero
  • Ria de Avero
  • Ria de Avero
  • Ria de Avero
  • Ria de Avero
  • Mira
  • Mira
  • Tocha
  • Mira
  • Mon chemin !
  • Falaises
  • Mon chemin !!
  • Figueira da Foz
  • Figueira da Foz
  • Figueira da Foz

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