Capo Ferrato - Cardedu

29 mai 2023, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 90
Kilomètres depuis le début : 1802

The climb north begins.
Today’s route is not particularly worrying and is not particularly interesting either. Stage a little long with just a climb to 270m at the end.

We mostly follow the "ex SS 125" except when it hasn’t been replaced by the "new SS 125" and in that case it’s simply the SS125 (cqfd). The new road they’ve made is like a motorway : no bikes, no hitchhikers, no motorised 2-wheelers under a certain engine capacity... except that it’s not a motorway : it’s a slightly wide two-lane...

As I reached my destination, some dogs didn’t appreciate my passing. One of them ran after me, apparently quite a long time after I’d passed his house. So I try to apply the techniques I’ve read about for such cases :
 give the dog commands by shouting quite loudly. It works a bit when the dog realises he’s on his own. He ends up leaving me.
 Thirty seconds later I hear him come back, and there he is with a friend. Shouting doesn’t seem to be enough any more. I got off the bike and picked up a stone : two seconds later they were gone...

The weather seems to be getting worse. But for today I’m staying dry !

  • Départ de Capo Ferrato
  • Stagno di Colostrai
  • Sur la route
  • Paysage
  • Figuiers de barbarie
  • Figuiers de barbarie
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Paysage

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