Alba - Cueno

8 août 2019, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 69
Kilomètres depuis le début : 6009

The Breakfast was from 7:15... but at 7:20 it was always closed. 7:25 it was OK...
"Breakfast"... er, a croissant and a coffee... A little short for a day on the bike :(

Then quiet road. At the beginning, a path that avoids roads with high traffic volumes. But a little further on, when I have just had a cup of coffee and a bun, suddenly the quiet road I was following along the irrigation canals starts to climb up the hillside and turns into a stony path... Oh no : climb + rocks... if I can avoid it. So turn around and I go back on the road a little busy.

Cueno, a rather pleasant city with a large main street which under different names lasts several kilometers. In the historic centre each house on this street has a history and photos are often presented before and after the restoration.

A young person is working out on a slope support. I’m shooting, it’s impressive !

  • Chemin au départ d’Alba
  • Un gué, bien aménagé
  • L’irrigation, impressionnante
  • Fossano
  • La Catapulta di Leonardo da Vinci
  • Fossano
  • Fossano
  • Fossano
  • Maddalene
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Osteria dei Colori
  • Osteria dei Colori
  • Colori
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Cueno (Coni)
  • Un peu d’exercice
  • Un peu d’exercice
  • Un peu d’exercice
  • Un peu d’exercice
  • Un peu d’exercice
  • Un peu d’exercice
  • Un peu d’exercice
  • Un peu d’exercice
  • Un peu d’exercice
  • Un peu d’exercice
  • Un peu d’exercice

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