Toulouse - Montpezat-de-Quercy

21 juin 2021, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 94
Kilomètres depuis le début : 1530

Successful departure at 9:30 am ! Successful because it’s always complicated to leave the first day trying not to forget anything ! A priori the important thing is in the panniers, that will perhaps be arranged in a more functional way in the next days.
It was grey at the start, then the sun came out. It was quite heavy and the wind picked up after Montauban. A wind that heralded a storm. The first drops were falling when I arrived in Montpezat. Phew, safe !
I followed the canal to Montech and then the Montech canal to Montauban. Just a slightly unpleasant passage on leaving Montauban, then a road parallel to the departmental road a little less frequented by cars.
And to start the journey well I start with a rest day at Virginie’s, a good friend of chess :)

  • Ecluse de Fenouillet
  • Ecluse de Fenouillet
  • Canal après Fenouillet
  • Ecluse de l’Hers
  • canal
  • Montech
  • rare, réussir à photographier un héron
  • De l’écluse de Rabastens
  • Montauban
  • Moulin sur l’Aveyron
  • Moulin sur l’Aveyron
  • Village avant Caussade
  • Village avant Caussade
  • Village avant Caussade
  • Montpezat de Quercy

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