Tarbes - Sauveterre de Bearn

19 juillet 2021, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 139
Kilomètres depuis le début : 1530

First problem of the day : I forgot to charge my mobile phone... or rather I had to unplug it without doing it on purpose... In fact I put my emergency battery in my pocket and I charge the phone while riding ! When I arrived in St-Pe de Bigorre, it was at 90% and I disconnected it...
But hesitations and mistakes on the road lead me to put it back on charge on my long stage.
I follow roughly route 81 to Mourenx but there are some badly signposted places and works that are certainly announced but for which one lacks hindsight... And my track took a shortcut that turns out to be impassable at Mourenx...
For the rest, it was a pleasant trip in the morning along the Gave de Pau. Then in the afternoon it was really hot. I dream of an ice cream and filling my water bottle in a café... But there is no open café on the road ! So I ask for water to the (rare) people I see in their houses. A refill is not enough...
The municipal campsite of Sauveterre is a nice and cheap campsite.
When I arrive at my pitch, the neighbours ask me a lot of questions about where I come from, tell me about their hikes in the Ardèche... I borrow a mallet from some German neighbours and when I bring it back they offer me an apricot-melon salad. It’s fresh and very pleasant.
I go for a last walk in Sauveterre but everything is closed... Back to the campsite, the bar is closed too... so I go back to my tent to drink some water and I am approached by some young people from Toulouse. They offer me a glass of wine and we spend some time together.


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