San Vicente de la Barquera - Ribadesella

8 mai 2022, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 63
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3429

Really easy route today, no real difficulties. It’s like the Sunday morning ride : departure a little after 8.30am and arrival a little after 1pm.
On the road I stop for a coffee and I do the Spanish thing : tortilla and coffee.
Arriving in Ribadesella, the hotel is very welcoming and tells me where to put the bike and makes me wait 15 minutes before my room is ready.

  • Los picos de Europa
  • Paysage
  • Cafe solo largo y tortilla
  • Sur la route
  • Vue de ma fenêtre
  • Ribadesella
  • Ribadesella
  • Ribadesella
  • Ribadesella

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