Noirmoutier - Pornic

10 juillet 2020, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 70
Kilomètres depuis le début : 2017

Walks yesterday on the island of Noirmoutier. In the morning visit of the castle, then bike ride to the ports of l’Herbaudière before returning to the campsite. In the afternoon visit of the hotel Jacobsen, the Dutchman who developed the polders on the island.

Coffee this morning with Stéphanie who arrived the day before and who had booked online attracted by the ad "a campsite in the middle of the forest"...and who is very disappointed. On the way to Gois I talk with cycle riders who were at La Guérinière campsite for half price and in a very nice campsite...

Arrived early at the passage de Gois to try to see the water draining off the road. Nothing very spectacular finally : gradually the signs of the passage appear, then the road. What is spectacular because we are not used to seeing two ladies walking along the passage and they seem to be determined to go to the other side. The guy from the DDE who comes to clean the access explains to me that in fact there is only 25 cm of water along the whole passage. He also explains to me that there are about 30 accidents per year of people trying to pass at the rising tide and at the limit of time : it is clear at the edges but there is a basin after the turn of the passage. Cars arrive, discover that there is water, panic, want to turn back, the engine stalls... and it’s too late. Then the insurance companies don’t work to pay for the damage...

Then it’s after two o’clock and I have to get to Pornic... I’m a bit fed up at the end but it was worth it to pass the Gois !

  • Le château
  • Noirmoutier
  • marais salant
  • Noirmoutier
  • L’Herbaudière
  • L’Herbaudière
  • L’Herbaudière
  • L’Herbaudière
  • Un moulin
  • Pêcheurs sur la digue
  • Passage du Gois
  • Passage du Gois
  • Passage du Gois
  • Passage du Gois
  • Passage du Gois
  • La DDE vient nettoyer
  • Deux femmes traversent les premières
  • Passage de Gois
  • A la demande générale
  • Passage de Gois
  • Passage de Gois
  • Port du Bec
  • Port du Bec
  • Port du Bec
  • Port du Bec
  • Port du Bec
  • Eolienne en train d’être montée
  • Eoliennes
  • Eolienne
  • Eolienne
  • Un autre port
  • Filets de pêche
  • Bouin
  • Bouin
  • Bouin
  • Bouin
  • Après Bouin
  • Paysage
  • Ceci est une piste cyclable !

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