L’île aux Moines

16 juillet 2020, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 56
Kilomètres depuis le début : 2017

This morning my camping neighbors, Anne-Lise and Patrick invite me for coffee. It’s nice to meet people you meet when you’re camping. We talk for a while over a cup of coffee.

Then I leave for Ile aux Moines. The information given by the camp-site was not very precise : if there are several possible places of departures "to" the island to the monks, if one does not want to make a cruise but just to cross the few hundred meters with his bicycle then it is necessary to go to Port blanc.
As usual I make my route the day before, but it’s difficult to go along the coast so I follow the main roads to get to the pier.

There are three routes on the island (21km in total), which go to each point marked by red, green and yellow colors. I do all three in the morning, beautiful views of the Gulf of Morbihan at the end of each course.
Around 1pm I would like to eat and at the Bourg the prices are very correct but there are a lot of people... So I get back on the boat and go for a snack in Vannes.

  • Sur le chemin de Port Blanc
  • Sur le bateau
  • Vue du bateau
  • Vue du bateau
  • Vélos
  • Arrivée sur l’île
  • Arrivée sur l’île
  • Une marinière à la manoeuvre
  • Marinière à la manoeuvre
  • Marinière à la manoeuvre
  • Marinière à la manoeuvre
  • Vue entre les pointes du Nioul et de Brannec
  • Vue entre les pointes du Nioul et de Brannec
  • Dolmen
  • Dolmen
  • Pointe de Brouel
  • Pointe de Brouel
  • Vue de la pointe de Brouel
  • Vue de la pointe de Brouel
  • Pointe du Trec’h
  • Pointe du Trec’h
  • Vue depuis la Pointe du Trec’h
  • Le bourg
  • Retour

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