Ivanica - Dubrovnik - Slano

26 juillet 2019, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 37
Kilomètres depuis le début : 6009

Following the misadventure of the day before, I have to leave Ivanica by bus. I get on the globtur bus at the border at 9:15.... 25 minutes later we arrive at the queue which lies on the Croatian post.... It’s not moving.

Suddenly I realized that I had switched to Bosnia’s mobile network and I received an orange message informing me of their (prohibitive) rates. Good thing I disabled the mobile data. I still have some credit left I switch to my IPKO card but the announced 4G is very weak...

10:45 am we gave our passports to the Croatian police officer at least 15 minutes ago. He comes back with 5 passports calling their owners for a check... Two come back soon enough... 5 minutes to eleven, that’s it...

The arrival in Dubrovnik is a quarter of an hour later. I walk a little more than a kilometre with my saddlebags.... Clearly it’s not made to walk a mile but to be hung on the bike !

I get to my bike that hasn’t moved from the pole where it’s attached. Half an hour after the puncture is repaired. I remember that the day before I couldn’t avoid passing through shards of bottles (it’s convenient to throw things out the car window), maybe that’s where it came from.

So I eat a bite before leaving around 12:30. Fortunately, today’s stage was scheduled to be short, because I’m driving in the middle of a furnace.

The landscape is magnificent : we start to walk along the series of islands that border Croatia.
Once there it’s time to take my first bath in the Adriatic !

  • Ivanica, vue de la terrasse
  • Départ de Dubrovnik
  • Départ de Dubrovnik
  • Les îles
  • Les îles
  • Iles vues de Slano
  • Iles vues de Slano
  • Slano, au fond la plage privée du grand hôtel de Slano
  • Iles vues de Slano
  • Slano
  • Slano
  • Slano
  • Slano
  • Slano
  • Slano
  • Slano
  • Slano
  • Slano
  • Iles, au soir
  • Iles, au soir
  • Iles, au soir
  • coucher de soleil
  • Iles, au soir
  • Iles, au soir

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