Gijon - Canero

11 mai 2022, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 92
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3429

I left Gijon a little after 8am : the road is going to be long and I want to have some room for manoeuvre. This time I took care to smooth out the route... as much as possible ! There are still a lot of sections around 8-9%, some up to 13%... but it passes.
The impression of riding in a cloud since the start.
I had decided to take a break in Muros de Nalon (middle of the trip) and I arrive there a little before noon. I have my first chat in rudimentary Castiillano with two cyclists who are having a drink on the terrace of a café. In a few days they will leave with 4 of them for a 14 days tour to Portugal !
It’s not easy to find a place to eat at this time of the day, but a customer of the café almost takes me to a small cafeteria that serves hearty raciones...
The sun will finally rise around 2pm and the second part of the route will be done without any difficulty or big climbs.
The hotel is located almost under the highway that my road will have crossed all afternoon !

  • Gijon
  • Gijon
  • Gijon
  • Gijon
  • Gijon
  • La route bordée d’eucalyptus
  • Asturias
  • Asturias
  • Asturias
  • Asturias
  • Vue de la chambre d’hôtel

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