Galati - Tulcea, close to the goal !

23 juin 2019, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 81
Kilomètres depuis le début : 6009

So here I am, close to my goal ! It was my last day cycling before taking the ferry and arriving on the Black Sea in Sulina.

This morning I left early and managed to take the 8am ferry. If I hadn’t caught him, it wouldn’t have been a big deal : there are them every half hour. But it’s still half an hour less in the hot weather.

Very pleasant road : not many cars, the landscape is very pretty and a little misty at the beginning. A few slopes a little steep but on the whole it goes well.

As you approach Tulcea you can hear cicadas, in a very beautiful hilly and wooded landscape where there are many herds. This is where a slightly steeper slope begins, about twenty kilometres from Tulcea : it rises to more than 160m. Almost at the top a tree makes a magnificent shadow, I stop there to refresh myself. Then it goes down to Samova, I dream of a shaded park with benches near the Danube... There will be a little shade, a big stone as a bench but the previous picnickers have left their packaging... it’s ugly.

I arrive in Tulcea early and I go out again in the late afternoon. The storm is not far away. A few large drops hasten my entry into a restaurant... but it won’t really rain :)

  • Départ de Galati
  • On croise l’autre ferry
  • La campagne
  • La campagne
  • Troupeau
  • Troupeau
  • Troupeau
  • Paysage embrumé
  • La famille cigogne fait sa toilette !
  • Tournesols devant les collines
  • Quelques pentes
  • Marais
  • Les collines dans la brume matinale
  • Marchand de fruits
  • Tournesols vers le Danube
  • Isaccea
  • Troupeau
  • Troupeau
  • Somova
  • Somova
  • Somova
  • Tulcea
  • Tulcea
  • Tulcea
  • Tulcea
  • Tulcea
  • Tulcea
  • Tulcea
  • Tulcea
  • Tulcea
  • Tulcea
  • Tulcea
  • Hommage à la révolution de 1989
  • Joueurs d’échecs, à proximité du port
  • Joueurs d’échecs, à proximité du port
  • Joueurs d’échecs, à proximité du port
  • Tulcea

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