From Briançon by minibus, then Tallard - Buis-les-Barronies

11 août 2019, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 97
Kilomètres depuis le début : 6009

After a false start because I forgot my helmet Cyrille takes me to Tallard.... Basically it makes me one less stop, a not very interesting stop that would have required to be on a very busy road.
So after tomorrow’s stage I should be in Toulouse by Monday evening !
It smells like the end of this journey of nearly four months !
Passage through the gorges of the Meouze river. Very pretty. Many people who come to look for freshness in the river’s water reservoirs.
From Tallard to Buis-les-Baronnies. Then you have to go through a pass.... Clearly in the category below that of the previous stage : 990 m.
Then there is a nice descent but I am slowed down by the strong headwind.
Tomorrow towards Avignon and takenthe train !

  • Briançon
  • Briançon
  • Briançon
  • Briançon
  • Briançon
  • Briançon
  • Briançon
  • Briançon
  • La Durance
  • La Durance
  • Les gorges de la Meouze
  • Les gorges de la Meouze
  • Barret sur Meouze
  • Barret sur Meouze
  • Barret sur Meouze
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Col de Mervouillon
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Paysage

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