From Ayvalık to Aliaga

14 mai, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 82
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

After a short night, everyone was still asleep when I left. So I didn’t get my Turkish Coffee either... The small streets of Ayvalik are cobbled with large stones... which makes the slope very difficult. I pushed on a bit, but didn’t take the road I’d originally planned to, so I took the main road straight away.
I stop at a service station with a café and get my Turkish coffee ! But there’s nothing to inspire me to eat.
A little further on I had to leave the main road... and it was a real path. I give it a try : gravel, but it’s passable, unlike the other day... And then we reach some districts built in series to accommodate tourists.

I stop for a bite to eat in Dikili, a very pretty little coastal town.
I pass a few kilometres from Calandri, which had been recommended to me, but I don’t have the energy to put on any more kilometres today !
A rest at the hotel before my last stage to Izmir, where I stop for a day or two.


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