From Aksaray to Göreme

4 juin, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 85
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

After a royal breakfast, we set off at 8.30 am. The wind is still blowing, but as the road is hilly we can hide from the wind on the hills.
On the road I find two more caravanserais, one known Ağzıkarahani near Aksaray, the other Alayhani I hadn’t seen mentioned. Neither can compare with the well-preserved Sultanhani, nor with its size.
We climb a little, it’s no longer steppe, and it’s greener.
A small source of anxiety, I said to myself that I had to withdraw some money and I don’t know why, but I started to rewrite the code in my head... and inevitably the more I rewrote it, the worse it got ! I tried an ATM in Nevsehir and obviously I didn’t have the right code.
Finally I arrived in the lunar landscapes of Cappadocia.
Later, as I stroll through Göreme, I look at the prices of the restaurants and I tell myself that with what’s left of my Lire I won’t last long. When I got to a vending machine, I tried my luck and the right code came out !)


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