Fisterra - Santiago de Compostela

18 mai 2022, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 84
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3429

Quite a pleasant ride to Santiago de Compostela.
I meet again three French cyclists who are going to go up the Camino del norte and pass by paths I took.
I meet a lot of pilgrims, at one point it’s impressive, it looks like a bus has just left its passengers, there are so many of them !
I have to climb twice to a height of 400m and after this second climb there is a long descent to Negreira where I have something to eat before doing the last kilometres.
When I arrive at the pension, they give me a map and explain me the main things to do and the mass times... Err...
Finally I think I won’t go for the Compostela, it’s religious, it doesn’t concern me. I liked to fill my book of stamps, I will maybe continue ^^

  • Départ de Fisterra
  • Cee
  • Sur la route
  • Sur la route
  • Sur la route
  • Distance du phare du Finisterre
  • Paysage
  • Negreira
  • Negreira
  • Santiago de Compostela
  • Santiago de Compostela
  • Santiago de Compostela
  • Santiago de Compostela
  • Santiago de Compostela

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