Egletons - Argentat

5 juillet 2021, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 61
Kilomètres depuis le début : 1530

The weather forecast was for a beautiful day... but as we left Egleton the clouds were hanging on. They are black, threatening. I think I even caught some drops here and there.
On the downhill it’s cold...
There is a nice photo exhibition on the walls of the city and I spend some time there before really taking the road.
Again there is the gag of the nickel road at the start ^^ I don’t take it and even take for a while a rather busy road, before taking the Véloroute 87.
Fortunately I bought a sandwich in Egleton : on the road everything is closed.
Some very nice things on the road : some beautiful churches, some with beautiful stone bell towers, ponds...
I arrive in Argentat with the sun ! After a little nap, I go back outside and it’s really hot. I think to myself, it’s like summer !

  • Egletons
  • Egletons
  • Egletons
  • Egletons
  • Chapelle-Spinasse
  • Chapelle-Spinasse
  • Chapelle-Spinasse
  • Chapelle-Spinasse
  • Etang Ferrier
  • Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille
  • Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille
  • Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille
  • Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille
  • Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille
  • Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille
  • Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille
  • Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille
  • Saint-Bazile-de-la-Roche
  • Argentat
  • Argentat
  • Argentat
  • Argentat
  • Argentat
  • Argentat

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