Casal dos Feros - Lisboa

28 mai 2022, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 65
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3429

I change my program and go directly to Lisbon to avoid the overcrowding of this weekend of good weather... and the prohibitive prices towards Cascais !
I’ll get to the Alentejo a bit quicker.

Pentes, première partie de la balade

On the cut the gradients look reasonable. In fact it depends on the type of road : all the first part are very small secondary roads and the slopes are steep, my meter often shows 12%. The highest hill is a national road, the slopes are smoothed out and we are on 7% max.

Otherwise, nothing too special to say about the route : except for the slightly steep slopes, it was a pleasant ride overall. A return to Lisbon that lasts several kilometres, but in the city there are real cycle paths with traffic lights for bikes... that you should respect !

  • Sur la route
  • troupeau de moutons
  • Turcifal
  • Turcifal
  • Turcifal
  • La descente, Loures
  • Un intrus se cache dans cette photo
  • L’ombre d’un palmier pour le déjeuner
  • Une piste cyclable en devenir
  • Lisboa
  • Lisboa
  • Lisboa
  • Lisboa
  • Gare de Tramways !
  • Lisboa
  • Lisboa
  • Lisboa
  • Lisboa
  • Lisboa

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