Çanakkale to Küçükkuyu

12 mai, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 104
Kilomètres depuis le début : 3374

A rest day in Çanakkale gave me a chance to overhaul the bike at a small mechanic I found by chance. In fact the spoke wasn’t broken but everything had come loose, including the wheel. I didn’t have a launderette here, but I took my clothes to a small laundry and got them back clean and dry a few hours later.
I hesitated quite a bit when making the itinerary : I’d like to avoid coming back to roads as bad as Friday’s ; but it’s impossible to know in advance. This morning, at the last minute, I looked at what would happen if I extended the route along the departmental road instead of cutting across the hills : only 6 km more but 133 metres less climbing. And the assurance of better roads. That’s what I do.

I set off in the sunshine, still with a favourable northerly wind.
In Evine I couldn’t find a shady spot, so I stopped at the terrace of a shop that was open but had no-one inside. I could have helped myself ! I sat down at a table and it was a while before the gentleman came in, and the lady took the opportunity to go out and look after the dogs. But no one ever asks me anything !
At the start, I follow a main road, which turns into a motorway towards Izmir and that’s where I return to the main road.
Arriving in Küçükkuyu, I settle into my hotel and then go for a walk. It’s a beautiful little town that I’m glad to discover before the peak tourist season.
Tomorrow I’m off to Ayvalık, where I’ll be greeted by members of the town’s cycling club.


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