Cajarc - Decazeville

24 juin 2021, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 63

Breakfast this morning with my very friendly hosts : Milan, Marine and their children Thilio and Léonie.
This time the weather is bad. It’s grey all morning. But I resist putting on my rain gear !
At the start of Cajarc the road runs along an abandoned railway line. It would be ideal for a greenway !
I make a detour to Capdenac Gare before taking the track that takes me up through the village of Asprières.
The descent promised to be beautiful with a very pleasant cycle path along a small canal and then along the Lot but this time the rain is too heavy.
I have to get equipped for the rain !

  • Départ de Cajarc
  • Une future voie verte ?
  • Une future voie verte ?
  • Sur la route
  • Sur la route
  • Paysage
  • Asprieres

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