Binic to Saint-Brieuc

5 août 2020, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 21
Kilomètres depuis le début : 2017

Very small step today : difficult to go further than Saint-Brieuc on the way... No camping, no warmshower accommodation. So I stop at the camping des Vallées which is not bad !
My USB tracker doesn’t want to give me back my tracks... so I reconstitute the route but... I miss the rather long loop that I made from somewhere after Pordic and that brought me back to the entrance of Pordic ! I was happy when I didn’t recognize the path anymore : finally I had to be on the right direction !
Saint-Brieuc isn’t very pretty from what I’ve seen so far... But the campsite is not bad : shady and quite quiet.
Tomorrow a slightly longer road to meet my friends at Mûr de Bretagne :)

  • La mer vue du camping de Binic
  • Concert improvisé
  • Hier soir la lune rousse
  • La piste
  • Arrivée à Saint-Brieuc
  • Saint-Brieuc
  • Saint-Brieuc

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