Banatska Palanka - Donji Milanovac, the Iron Gates

4 juin 2019, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 100
Kilomètres depuis le début : 6009

Another day of contrasts. I had to take a ferry at 10:30, so there’s no need to rush.
The hospitality of my hosts was further confirmed by a magnificent "Balkan" breakfast. I’ve had a lot of discussions with Aleksa again.
As I leave, the rain that had been heavy calms down a little. A "national" coffee (what is called in France Turkish coffee) while waiting for the ferry and here I am. Too bad the grayness this passage in the middle of the Danube would probably have been magnificent without the blocked horizon.
This Ferry only has 5 rotations a day, and not all year round, it seems to me. It’s a slightly tired barge that’s being pushed by a small, powerful boat. The docking is done about fifty meters from the usual place because of the flood undoubtedly. At the finish, two of them equalized the ground to allow the cars to get off !

On this side of the Danube the roads are very pleasant, I don’t go through a single rotten road.
It is the fortress of Golubak that marks the entrance to the "Iron Gates" this gorge of the Danube which runs over 135 km.
But something has to happen : I have my first flat tire. I have to refill my tire every hour. I would like to find a bike repairer (I also need to oil the chain again) but information taken there is not....
So I fix my flat tire but an hour and a half later I need to re-inflate : /
I had looked carefully there was nothing in the tire.... I’ll have to take a closer look tomorrow.

With all this I arrive at my accommodation quite late again. Especially since the booking app made me go through a rough and steep path where I pushed my bike for a kilometer.... The house was lower and much more accessible... if I hadn’t followed the instructions of the app ^^

Once again arrived a demonstration of hospitality with small cakes and Rakia, the alcohol of the Balkans of which I drink a glass for the first time !

  • Danube
  • Ferry
  • Manoeuvre du petit bateau
  • départ
  • Manoeuvre du petit bateau
  • Manoeuvre du petit bateau
  • Manoeuvre du petit bateau
  • Tout est en place
  • Le petit bateau pousse la barge
  • Il faut payer
  • Le petit bateau pousse la barge
  • Danube
  • A la demande générale
  • Un bateau de dragage du Danube
  • Arrivée à Ram
  • Arrivée à Ram
  • Manoeuvre du petit bateau
  • Arrivée à Ram
  • Ferry
  • La route
  • Cygnes
  • Cigogne ?
  • Cigogne ?
  • Cigogne ?
  • La route
  • Veliko Gradiste
  • Veliko Gradiste
  • La route
  • Début des Portes de Fer
  • Une piste toute neuve, pas encore sur les cartes
  • Golubak
  • Début des Portes de Fer
  • Vue
  • Réparation
  • La forteresse de Golubak
  • La forteresse de Golubak
  • Danube
  • Danube
  • Danube
  • Précaution
  • The Danube when arriving in Donji Milanovac
  • The Danube when arriving in Donji Milanovac
  • Hospitalité, Rakia

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